Member-only story
Words iii

One never truly
the meaning of words,
until they learn the meaning
within their hearts.
What does it mean
to truly long
for a single sound —
an utterance,
or even a whisper.
The effect
of a single word,
or even those left unsaid —
can bring great joy,
a broken heart,
or war.

Dripping in peace
blended with angst.
is sometimes heard
and misunderstood.
Words get in the way
of our true feelings,
of intentions —
often tripping tongues
along the path
to generate their meaning.
A lifetime
can be spent,
enunciating, pursing lips —
tasting definitions,
studying the proper
cunning techniques,
for the deliverance
of the terms of rhetoric.
Yet with knowledge,
comes wisdom
and understanding,
the time will come