Member-only story
The Silence
I awaken to soft tones,
A vibrating phone sets the pace
Of my nonexistent day.
Or, is it all imagined?
Life has no urgency,
Only dust –
Gathering across the bookshelves
Holding loved treasures
For a day that never arrives.
The depth of the silence of life
Permeates the soul,
Isolation of consciousness,
Focuses light on all those
Small things, habits, or traits,
That I once thought
I left behind me, covered with scars.
Each day, the pillow beside me –
Remains untouched.
Flashing memories of much happier days
That will never be again.
As one day blurs into many,
The search to end the monotony,
The life-sentence of loneliness,
Begins in earnest.
Suitors come and suitors go,
Never measuring up to my expectations.
Unfair notions that mark the lines