Miss Rose’s 30 Questions — What to Ask a Potential BDSM Partner

Lenore T. Rose
6 min readApr 22, 2023
Photo by Keren Levand on Unsplash

If you are involved in the BDSM lifestyle or considering entering a power-exchange relationship for the first time, you might wonder how to find the right submissive or Dominant.

It is exciting times we live in — swipe left — swipe right. Finding a date is so easy, or has all the fizz bubbled out of that sparkling water? In some ways, technology has put distance between us all, leaving us with an empty illusion that a real relationship is just as easy as that next swipe.

Has the latest made-for-TV kink movie convinced you that joining a BDSM dating site might be right for you? Now that you are all signed up with your fresh ID and some neat pics — where do you start?

Photo by Klara Kulikova on Unsplash

If you are like me, an experienced Mistress, you check your inbox.


Do what I say now! Bend over!


No, and since you can’t read or be polite — you will be blocked.


Here’s a pic of my penis. Do you want a date?



Lenore T. Rose

Creative spirit. Overworked human. Idea developer. Poet. Artist. Animal rescuer.