Lenore T. Rose
Lenore T. Rose

I’m a writer, artist, animal-rescuer, perpetual entrepreneur, and serial daydreamer. I’m a mother, a homeowner, a ufologist, competitive baker, and I’m disabled. I enjoy politics, technology, history, and science. I’m a sucker for poetry, romance, and mystery.

What am I doing on Medium? The same as most. Expressing myself. Learning. Hoping to improve my writing skills, and, like everyone, hoping to afford that next cup of coffee.

My childhood was devastating. I used books as an escape much the way children today use video games. I was writing poetry and short stories by the age of eight. My life continued to be horribly complicated, and, it still is, but I truly believe writing saved me. I believe writing has kept me alive.

Today, I write about what’s on my mind. It could be things in society that are bothering me or making me put things in perspective, like One Bag – A Look at What’s Important. Or about things in my past that help me understand where I’m going or where I’ve been. On occasion, I express insights on relationships, like in Expectations.

At one time, I owned, published, and was editor-in-chief of an international lifestyle magazine about BDSM. It was called Safeword Magazine.* You know, Fifty Shades of Gray, wink, wink, paddles, and handcuffs type of kinky. True, that was a little risqué, but it was all done in good taste. Primarily the focus was on safety, positive healthy relationships, and promoting artists, writers, and models in these alternative genres. So, yes, I do sometimes write about sexuality, kink, dating, and a few lusty poems. It is in good fun, and it breaks up the intensity of what I write about for my day job. (*You can find a few old issues on Amazon. Set to free or Kindle Unlimited. Any profits set to go to ASPCA.)

During the day, I write about tech. I write blogs, articles, b2b, SaS, web content, long-form technical articles, and white papers about software, gadgets, privacy law, AI, ML, eCommerce, database migration, cloud technology… you get the picture. I minored in computer science and can work with a few coding languages. I enjoy writing about technology.

I’ve recently added a publication so that I can share that side of me, so don’t get too weirded out if one day you see something about machine learning, then social issues, then a sexy poem… I’m just sharing. I’ve also included tacos to the tech theme, starting with this first recipe for barbacoa tacos. I think I was craving tacos that day. Hmm. I do have a drawer full of blue ribbons due to my compulsive need to enter competitive cooking competitions… so, maybe you could try out a few recipes while learning about something cool.

If you want to know anything else, just ask. Really. -> nevermorehaven@gmail.com


Lenore T. Rose.

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